This course is designed for students who have completed the first the first 5 levels of the Quranic Fushaa Arabic (for Adults) Course. Just some of the classes My Muallim provides through in private specialized Islamic studies are:
Arabic Language Texts:
– Nahw Al-Waadih, Al-Balagha Al-Waadiha, Sharh Al-Aajuroomiyah, Sharh Qatru-un-Nadaa, Sharh Al-Alfiyah ibn Maalik, etc.
Islamic Sciences:
– In Fiqh Ash-Shafi’ee: [for example]: Sarh Al-Matn Abi Shujaa’ah to . Also Specialized instructors are available to teach texts in Fiqh Al-Maliki, Fiqh Al-Hanafi, and Fiqh Al-Hanbali, as well as Fiqh Muqaarana (Comparative Jurisprudence) and Usool Al-Fiqh.
– In Hadith text such as: Sharh of An-Nawawi’s 40 Hadith. Shahadaat are also available in texts of U’loom Al-Hadith as well as explanations of the 6 books of Hadith, such Al-Bukhari and Muslim, Al-Muwatta‘ and Al-Musnad Emam Ahmad.
– MY MUALLIM also has specialists available to teach numerous texts in: Tafseer, As-Seerah, Al-Akhlaaq, Al-Faraaid, etc.
Course Features
- Lecture 0
- Quiz 0
- Duration 35 hours
- Skill level All levels
- Language English
- Students 26
- Assessments Yes