Specialized Islamic Sciences and Shahadaat (Certifications)
This course is designed for students who have completed the first the first 5 levels of the Quranic Fushaa Arabic (for Adults) Course. Just some of the classes My Muallim provides through in private specialized Islamic studies are:
Arabic Language Texts:
- Nahw Al-Waadih, Al-Balagha Al-Waadiha, Sharh Al-Aajuroomiyah, Sharh Qatru-un-Nadaa, Sharh Al-Alfiyah ibn Maalik, etc.
Islamic Sciences: - In Fiqh Ash-Shafi’ee: [for example]: Sarh Al-Matn Abi Shujaa’ah to . Also Specialized instructors are available to teach texts in Fiqh Al-Maliki, Fiqh Al-Hanafi, and Fiqh Al-Hanbali, as well as Fiqh Muqaarana (Comparative Jurisprudence) and Usool Al-Fiqh.
- In Hadith text such as: Sharh of An-Nawawi’s 40 Hadith. Shahadaat are also available in texts of U’loom Al-Hadith as well as explanations of the 6 books of Hadith, such Al-Bukhari and Muslim, Al-Muwatta’ and Al-Musnad Emam Ahmad.
- MY MUALLIM also has specialist available to teach numerous texts in: Tafseer, As-Seerah, Al-Akhlaaq, Al-Faraaid, etc.
Al Azhar College Predatory Course
Students who have completed level 6 of Quranic Fushaa Arabic may enroll in this course. The Al Azhar College Preparatory Course is taught by specialized Instructors of Islamic Sciences. Students who enroll in this course will be given instruction using the curriculum taught in the middle-school and high-school of Al-Azhar Ash-Sharif. The Instructors guide students through each subject of each level in preparation for the Musaabaqah, or entrance exams to Al-Azhar and through their studies towards earning their Shahaadah, or graduation certificate.
Specialized Quranic Course – Qira’aat (Variant Ways of Recitation)
This course is for Huffaz, those who have completed memorizing of the Holy Quran and who wish to earn an Ejazaat in any additional Qira’aat (ways of recitation). My Muallim offers Ejazaat in all 10 variations of recitation, both 7 Mutawatir (transmissions with independent chains of authorities) and the 3 Mashhur (transmissions of slightly less wide in their transmissions, yet authoritative), but still so wide as to make error highly unlikely). In this course students may also earn Certificates in Mutoon such as Tuh’fatu-ul-Atfaal and Al-Jazariyah.
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